Git tutorials
To install git
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get git-core
To check the version of git
git --version
To setup Git configuration
1. Git initialize :-
git init
2. check for git status :-
git status
3. Add user name :
git config --global ""
4. Add email id for user :-
git config --global
6. Add git repository :-
git remote add origin
7. Clone repository :-
git clone
Set proxy settings in git
git config --global http.proxy
git config --global https.proxy
Remove proxy
git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy
Create a new project
Assume that we have to create new project under git revision control.
Create a new directory called myproject
$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
To initialise git
$ git init
Git will reply as
Initialized empty Git repository in .git/
Create new file called test.txt and add some contents like helloworld
sudo echo helloworld >> test.txt
To store in a temporary staging area
$ git add .
To permanently store the contents of the index in repository
$ git commit -m "message"
Note :- you mandatory give message
This snapshot is now stored in a temporary staging area which Git calls the "index". You can permanently store the contents of the index in the repository with git commit:
$ git commit
This will prompt you for a commit message. You’ve now stored the first version of your project in Git.
Making changes
Modify some files, then add their updated contents to the index:
$ git add file1 file2 file3
You are now ready to commit. You can see what is about to be committed using git diff with the --cached option:
$ git diff --cached
Viewing project history
At any point you can view the history of your changes using
$ git log
If you also want to see complete diffs at each step, use
$ git log -p
Often the overview of the change is useful to get a feel of each step
$ git log --stat --summary
Managing branches
A single Git repository can maintain multiple branches of development. To create a new branch named "experimental", use
$ git branch experimental
If you now run
$ git branch -a
you’ll get a list of all existing branches:
* master
The "experimental" branch is the one you just created, and the "master" branch is a default branch that was created for you automatically. The asterisk marks the branch you are currently on; type
$ git checkout experimental
to switch to the experimental branch. Now edit a file, commit the change, and switch back to the master branch:
(edit file)
$ git commit -a
$ git checkout master
Check that the change you made is no longer visible, since it was made on the experimental branch and you’re back on the master branch.
You can make a different change on the master branch:
(edit file)
$ git commit -a
at this point the two branches have diverged, with different changes made in each. To merge the changes made in experimental into master, run
$ git merge experimental
If the changes don’t conflict, you’re done. If there are conflicts, markers will be left in the problematic files showing the conflict;
$ git diff
will show this. Once you’ve edited the files to resolve the conflicts,
$ git commit -a
Using Git for collaboration
Suppose that Alice has started a new project with a Git repository in /home/alice/project, and that Bob, who has a home directory on the same machine, wants to contribute.
Bob begins with:
bob$ git clone /home/alice/project myrepo
This creates a new directory "myrepo" containing a clone of Alice’s repository. The clone is on an equal footing with the original project, possessing its own copy of the original project’s history.
Bob then makes some changes and commits them:
(edit files)
bob$ git commit -a
(repeat as necessary)
When he’s ready, he tells Alice to pull changes from the repository at /home/bob/myrepo. She does this with:
alice$ cd /home/alice/project
alice$ git pull /home/bob/myrepo master
Undo the last commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1
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